Taking the Chiropractic Care to the next level: David J Lewis DC

1941 O'Farrell Street #108-A

San Mateo California 94403-1374

Knee Pain

If you have ever experienced the debilitation of knee pain, only to be told there is nothing for it but to take painkillers and rest, then you understand the frustration many people feel as they search for an alternative that will offer them relief, resolution and a better quality of life than “living”  with painful and mobility limiting knee problems that occur with every step you take.

Common  Sources of Knee Pain

Common sources of knee pain include injury and the wear and tear of osteoarthritis. Because of its relative location in the human body, it has long been believed that the best cure for this “dis-ease” is to immobilize it and deaden the pain with pills. In the long term and in actuality, there could probably not be a worse way to treat chronic pain in this essential joint!

The knee is a tricky and complex joint that depends primarily on the surrounding ligaments and muscles to maintain position and stability. It requires a remarkably delicate balance for a joint that is weight bearing and literally connects the thigh and the lower leg. Because of the flexibility this joint requires it is composed of many elements including the knee cap, several sets of muscles and ligaments that enable the knee with both active and passive stability and two ring-shaped discs made of cartilage, known as the menisci. Is it any wonder that knees end up giving us pain, seemingly at the least provocation?

When you choose Baywood Chiropractic your session will begin with a thorough examination of the affected knee joint, as well as the low back, pelvis, hip, ankle and foot of the affected leg, as these surrounding structures may all play a part as the culprit and main source of your knee pain.

After the examination and accompanying initial palpitations and biomechanical exam to check for structural abnormalities and range of movement limitations, we will then take customized steps toward reducing joint inflammation and pain before proceeding to resolve the knee joint function, using specific chiropractic manipulation and mobilization techniques. Depending on your individual needs, we may also utilize massage, trigger point therapy and cross friction.  Finally, we will prescribe rehabilitative exercises that will, if performed correctly and consistently, improve the knee joint’s strength, endurance and stability as a preventative strategy aimed against future injury.

At Baywood Chiropractic, we pinpoint the source of your knee pain and, by doing so, treat your body as a whole entity, in the belief that treating only the affected joint will never resolve what has caused its dysfunction in the first place.